Tagged: Vuurtorings



God speaks to you that you may make the right decision. But God does not satisfy our curiosity as to what happens about other men who do not decide for Christ. What will be the ultimate fate of other men is not your concern; we may not and are not to know that, except in so far as we must realize that it is our duty not only ourselves to remain loyal to the way of Jesus, but as far as possible to help others to find the way that leads to life. It is not the consequence of our superior merit that we ourselves have found this way. We have not come to it because we are better than other people. It is the grace of God which has set our feet in that way. — Johannes Calvyn



Vir meeste mense het vuurtorings ‘n sekere bekoring. In sekere plekke kry ons ‘n interessante rangskikking. Daar is ‘n klein vuurtoring – ses tot tien meter hoog – met ‘n lig aan die bopunt. Hierdie vuurtoring staan naby die kus. Verder terug is daar dan ‘n normale vuurtoring.  Tussen die twee vuurtorings is al die bome en bosse verwyder.
