Tagged: Deuteronomium


Deuteronomium 4:32 – 40

The Saving Knowledge of God is not the result of the human search for him, or of building up logical inferences to him from the natural order, still less of erecting such access to him through experience, but of his self-disclosure to us in his Son and through his Word.” – David Wells

Deuteronomium 4:32 – 40

Moses is besig om met die volk op die vlaktes van Israel te praat. Daniel Block, in sy kommentaar oor Deuteronomium, maak ‘n baie interessante stelling oor hierdie gedeelte. In die NIV bestaan hierdie gedeelte uit 163 woorde. Moses gebruik 109 woorde om die verhaal van Israel se ondervinding van God se genade te vertel; hy gebruik 26 woorde om teologies oor die gebeure na te dink; hy sluit af met 26 woorde van toepassing.
