Die oordeelsdag: Wat is dit?


We cannot suffer with the poor when we are unwilling to confront those persons and systems that cause poverty. We cannot set the captives free when we do not want to confront those who carry the keys –  Henri Nouwen


Die oordeelsdag: Wat is dit?

Hierdie is ‘n onderwerp wat ons vandag ten alle koste probeer vermy. Is daar werklik ‘n oordeelsdag? Wat behels dit? Wat sê die Skrif van die oordeelsdag? Daar is boeke daaroor geskryf. Hiermee enkele eenvoudige riglyne.



 Meditate much upon the day of judgment. Feathers swim upon the water, but gold sinks into it; so, light, feathery Christians float in vanity; they mind not the day of judgment; but serious spirits sink deep into the thoughts of it. – Thomas Watson.


Daar is ‘n oordeelsdag. Wanneer weet ons nie, maar niemand gaan dit vryspring nie.


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